Wednesday, December 28, 2011

103 Things About Me

These are 103 things about me... raw, unfiltered, and unfrittered... I've seen this on other sites and I thought it would be a cool idea... I'm going to attempt to keep it mostly positive but I also don't want to make it too sanitized. Here goes:
1. I eat sugar directly from the box
2. I love conspiracy theories... especially The JFK Assassination.... I've spend over 1500 hours studying it and I could name one of the shooters on the Grassy Knoll
3. I am fascinated with ancient cultures including the Egyptians and the Mayans
4. I am very handy with computers often setting up and trouble shooting friend's systems
5. I once got a perfect score on an I.Q. test
6. I can't cook
7. I hate coffee and beer
8. I hate religion because too many people have been killed for their God
9. I once drove through a red light on a busy Saturday at 40 mph on my bike because I had no brakes
10. I seek revenge against those who have hurt me
11. I love the rain
12. I make naked snow angels after the first snowfall
13. I recently purchased Nerf guns and have Nerf wars in my house
14. I frequently push limits to see what I can get away with
15. I own every episode of Seinfeld on VHS - it took me 2 1/2 years to tape them
16. I once spent New Years Eve with Avril Lavigne - we spent 45 minutes sitting on curb, one-on-one, talking about life
17. I spent that same New Years with Jack Black and Dave Grohl as their person escort/chauffeur/security in Times Square
18. While wearing a dress shirt and tie on a 95 degree summer day, I tackled a guy off a moving bicycle after he keyed my car - he spent the night in jail
19. I frequently get frustrated with inanimate objects
20. I love Eminem, Bocelli, Disturbed, and Manilow
21. I can be clever and wittty
22. I love Abbott and Costello type conversations
23. I cheat when I think I can get away with it
24. I love to talk
25. I love to outwit people
26. I have an addictive personality
27. I am a major procrastinator
28. I love being very intelligent
29. I can sing 'Oh Christmas Tree' and 'Silent Night' in German but I don't know them in English
30. I love to drive with the windows down, the top down, and the heat on in winter
31. I broke my hand on someone's jaw who really needed to be hit - his jaw also broke
32. I met Benny Hill and he let me pat him on the head and kick him in the ass
33. I have never been arrested
34. I have won awards for my writing
35. I love to learn
36. I love spending money
37. I make friends for life
38. I need routine to ground myself so I fill my schedule with obligations so I don't have to spend time in my own head
39. When I am manic, ideas just come to me - I am hyper-efficient and hyper-creative
40. I am my own biggest critic
41. If I had someone to talk to, I could chat all night
42. I always feel off-balance
43. I constantly lose sight of who I am
44. I love all kinds of music
45. I smashed a moving car's window with a Louisville Slugger from 100 feet away after it's occupants egged my house
46. I have cried when dumped
47. I have cried at commercials
48. I beat a guy unconscious when he head-butted me - he outweighed me by 100 pounds 
49. I love animals and hate to see them suffer
50. I did 188 mph while racing Porsches my first day in them
51. I survived two Lollapalooza mosh pits - I ran through them with my elbows out to get to the front - my friends drafted
52. I am a perfectionist
53. I lost 50 lbs in 3 months and slept for the next two years
54. My first major meltdown was while on spring break in Daytona
55. I have never been medicated
56. I learned to dive into water at age 37
57. I have ridden my bike off of a roof
58. I have outrun police in pursuit
59. I have had sex with three different partners in 21 hours - each session lasted at least 90 minutes
60. I lost my best friend of 20 years after he and his wife divorced
61. I am fascinated with the pyramids
62. I have broken all of my fingers multiple times
63. I have never beer married and I have no children
64. I sometimes don't leave the house for days
65. I know a lot about psychology
66. I worked as a financial analyst-at a large event, I spoke in front of crowds ranging from 6,000 to 40,000 people - each time I brought the crowd to its feet
67. I have ghost written for famous humor writers
68. I love to write
69. I have performed stand-up comedy in NYC
70. I wrote a produced play about the difference between 'and' and 'but'
71. I wrote a produced play called 'Midnight Bunny Slippers
72. I have no common sense
73. I lost the perfect girl and the perfect job because, at the time, I had no clue
74. I am very handy and can fix almost anything
75. I helped someone make $300 million yet I earned nothing
76. I turned down $10 million with no strings attached
77. I've held my own with billionaires
78. I had been broke my entire life - but I recently figured out the secret and have more money saved than all of my friends combined
79. I realize I will never be broke again
80. I am an avid reader - I own 3500 books
81. I love to go on unplanned missions to nowhere
82. I have beaten Ferraris and Corvettes with a $9000 car
83. I am fascinated with the planet's history - I think that most scientists and theories are wrong - matter and energy can be created and destroyed
84. I love mind puzzles
85. I traveled cross country by train
86. I have been addicted to chewing gum
87. I remember everything decades later often in excruciating detail
88. As a kid, I was captain of my soccer team
89. I manually pushed a car out of the snow for 90 minutes on a broken ankle, before my ankle had a cast on it
90. I own 700 movies and have digitized all of them
91. I have driven 950,000 miles
92. I have driven over 100 miles an hour over 800 times
93. I have never been pulled over for excessive speed
97. I have two dated models
98. I was celibate for 11 years and 9 mos from age 24 to 36
99. I have dated 3 people 16 years younger than me - two of them were professional models
100. I taught myself to type over 70 wpm
101. I am more relaxed at 188 miles an hour than I am at 65
102. I hate repeating myself
103. I train people to do what I used to, but am no longer licensed to do - with each person I train (which takes 90 days) I get paid more than my job pays me in a year
104. I realize I will have a great impact on the world and it will remember me - I can no longer hold my brain back - like Pandora, once my brain was released, it would never be contained again - the box has been opened and the universe will be dented before I leave

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